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Faith United has a small but active Sunday School.  Children ages three to fourteen are encouraged to take part in the Sunday School program.  Sara Wurtinger, Sunday School Superintendent, along with several dedicated teachers promote the love of God through word and deed.  The Sunday School uses its weekly collection to support; a child in Haiti, the local food pantry, and other service projects.


Women of Faith meet once a month in the afternoon for programs, devotions, food, and fellowship.  Each year, the first Saturday in December, Women of Faith host a holiday bazzar.  Fresh baked bread and kolaches, candy, cookies, second hand items and a great lunch are made available to the public. 


Other special gathering are organized and hosted, such as book talks, study groups, and movie times.  Each special gathering brings a different perspective to the Faith community.  Check the callendar for the times and locations of these special events.

October 20, 2024

Meet the Minister

Come to the About Us section to find out what we're all about!


Join Us!

If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved.


New Pix

Come to the photo gallery to check out our most recent pictures. 


What is UCC?

Find out about the United Church of Christ and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is UCC page.

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